To improve the Forest and Land Management (TKHL) in many provinces, SETAPAK 2 program implements a collaborative approach by identifying individuals, groups and appropriate organizations to be involved. SETAPAK program also works with the central and regional governments, civil society organizations, research institutions, mass media and community groups that have a concern for better forest governance.
Since the implementation of program runs until October 2018, there have been several achievements, including:
SETAPAK 2 Program Achievements
During its work, SETAPAK Program and the partners, have contributed to several achievements:
In the Social Forestry sector, the SETAPAK 2 program has contributed 13% of the national Social Forestry achievements of 222,385 ha of 1.7 million hectares (October 2018).
SETAPAK program has also succeeded in maintaining 4.36 million hectares of forest and land from deforestation and land degradation in several provinces, such as East Kalimantan, Aceh and South Sumatra.
Furthermore, SETAPAK program with CSO partners has contributed to encourage in releasing 132 policies to improve the forest and land management at the district and provincial levels.
The contributions of 16% licenses that revoked through the KPK’s Coordination and Supervision which were contributed by SETAPAK Partners found that there are 501 violating mining permits out of a total of 2,577 revoked licenses.
The Transformative Achievements in Gaining Community’s Management Space
During the course, SETAPAK Program contributed to 13% of the 1.72 million national achievement of Social Forestry
Through the SETAPAK 2 Program, 222,385 hectares have been allowed to be managed by the community through various Social Forestry schemes, such as forest village, community forest, and environmental partnership. SETAPAK partners facilitate Village Forest management groups and Farmer Groups to identify the usual area and participatory mapping, propose a request for a proposal for Social Forestry, and ensure the compilation of the annual work plan for the group managing that suggest Social Forestry or community access against capitalization after obtaining the license. Furthermore, SETAPAK partners are involved with local governments in preparing the policy documents related to social forestry including “Adat” Forests such as the Governor’s Regulation about Social Forestry, and was involved in encouraging the Acceleration of Social Forestry (PPS) through the PPS Working Group in several provinces such as West Kalimantan, South Sumatra, East Kalimantan, etc.
Transformation in Sustainable Forest and Land Policies
In an attempt to encourage sustainable forest and land policy transformation, the government and CSO collaborate to develop and encourage the policies/regulations of the forest and land sector.
In carrying out the role, CSO works intensively with the government in the regions and utilize the momentum such as regional head election to encourage the policy of natural resources sector for the people, including women and vulnerable groups.
Until the end of October 2018, there were at least 239 policies that was produced based on the advocacy and encouragement of SETAPAK partner CSOs in an effort to improve forest and land management in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi:
- 5 Spatial Policies
- 158 Social Forestry Policies and “Adat” Law Communities
- 4 Handling and Conflict Resolution Policies
- 1 Policy for Arranging Licensing of Oil Palm Plantation
- 22 Land-based and Forest Protection Industry Policies
- 7 Mining Activity Arrangement Policies (Licensing Prevention, Complaints and Evaluation)
- 25 Transparency Policies and Budgeting
- 17 Licensing Policies in the Plantation and Forestry sectors
The Transformation of SETAPAK Program in Encouraging Budget Policy in Land and Forest Management (TKHL) Sector
In encouraging budget policies related to the forest and land management sector, SETAPAK with its partners are working to open up new funding opportunities for activities that support a reduction in deforestation and degradation, and encourage the policies of the Financial Services Authority to be sustainable in the coal mining sector and Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) which can be used as a reference by all banks that operating in Indonesia in providing investment credit for corporations in related sectors.
Until now, the Indonesian government has allocated 38.7 billion rupiah to support the efforts to prevent and deal with deforestation and land degradation, especially in the sectors of forest and land fires which often occur in several provinces such as Riau, South Sumatra, and West Kalimantan, and facilitate social forestry.
With support from regional and central government as policy makers and Civil Society Organizations in Aceh, Riau, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Papua, West Papua and National, in realizing forest management and sustainable land, fair, and sustainable, hopefully in the coming years SETAPAK program can always work together and make a better contribution to the sustainability of forests in Indonesia. Let’s contribute to take care of our nature, for the better governance!