Indigenous People Alliance of The Archipelago (AMAN) of Sumatera Utara, AMAN Tano Batak and Hutan Rakyat Institute (HaRI) gladly welcomed the support of DPRD Sumatera Utara that had included Local Regulation Draft (Ranperda) about the acknowledgement and protection of indigenous community in Sumatera Utara for Local Legislation Program (Prolegda) 2017.
Chairman of DPW AMAN Sumut, Harun Noes said that AMAN gladly welcomed the commitment and support from DPRD Sumut that ratifies Ranperda Document about acknowledgement and protection of indigenous community in Sumatera Utara for Local Legislation Program (Prolegda) 2017.
“Our expectation, of course becoming the priority to be discussed and ratified as local regulation (Perda),” said Harun Noeh, Friday (6/1).
In accordance with that, Chairman of DPW AMAN Tano Batak, Roganda Simanjuntak explained, Pemprov Sumut and DPRD Sumut had initiated the legal protection in the provincial level of Sumatera Utara.
“It is very important to create the effort to support the region to initiate similar thing. Indigenous people community hoped that in the future, with the soon to be ratified Ranperda, the criminalization effort towards indigenous people could be stopped and it would be easier for people to claim their customary area,” He mentioned.
Indigenous People Alliance of The Archipelago (AMAN) of Sumatera Utara
Roganda also hoped that local government are there to protect indigenous people in that area as one of the most vulnerable groups.
Meanwhile, Director of HaRI, Wina Khairina said that the existence of local regulation about the acknowledgement and protection for indigenous people in Sumut was very important so that the people could claim the rights of their customary land based on MK Decree 35.
“Acceleration is needed so the rest of the forest in Tapanuli could be saved. Because of that, HaRI gladly welcomed that initiative,” Wina confirmed.
One of Sumut Legislative Body Representatives, Sarma Hutajulu said that the Ranperda would be discussed in DPRD Sumut and Pemprov Sumut simultaneously along with other 39 ranperda.
“We are trying to ratify this in 2017. We also want to involve civil society if more information is needed. We hope that this Perda can protect as well ass become the solution of conflicts happened to the indigenous people in fighting for their rights,” Sarma explained.***Efendi Nuh
Source: Gaung AMAN