Deforestation has significantly reduced the forest area in Riau, from 78% in 1982 to become 33% in 2005. Every year, there are 160,000 hectares of forest area in Riau have been cut down and only 22% of the forest or 2.45 million hectares in 2009. Opening up of forest areas for oil palm plantations and paper production contributes to the increasing rate of deforestation and forest fires in the province for many years. Poor governance in that sector has triggered widespread corruption and administrative violations in business licensing in the forest and land sector. Beside that, the lack of commitment by public institution to provide information regarding the status of forests and land, including public awareness in accessing information become a polemic that hinders efforts to save forest areas in Riau. These problems has arisen awareness from various parties, including women’s group in Riau to embody the implementation of public information disclosure which related to the status of forest areas,
including budget transparency in Pangkalan Gondai Village, Pelalawan Regency.)
