Civilian coalition filed a lawsuit in the case of member selection of Commissions of Public Information (KIP) of Sulawesi Tengah. The lawsuit Number 01/X/ADM/IPC-FOINI/2016, filed on October 24, 2016 and addressed to the Governor of Sulawesi Tengah, Chairman of District Legislature of Central Sulawesi and Commission 1 of Government Body of District Legislature of Sulawesi Tengah on the basis that too many procedures and rules were violated along the selection process.

Not only that, the coalition also requested the governor to stop the selection process that had reached the written stage of the selection and asked the District Legislature of Sulawesi Tengah to supervise and be actively involve in the selection process so that it run in accordance with the selection guidelines issued by the Commission of Public Information.

Moreover, the Civil Coalition came to Sulawesi Tengah Representative of Ombudsman to file a report of alleged misconduct in the selection process of Commission of Public Information. Head of Sulawesi Tengah Representative of Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, Sofyan Farid Lembah later revealed that there were many irregularities and errors occured since the beginning of the selection process.

In his opinion, the selection process was contrary to the applicable rules, in particular the Act Number 14 Year 2008 on Freedom of Information and Commission of Information Regulation as well as the Act Number 4 Year 2016 on Guidelines for the Conduct of Selection and Determination of Commission of Information Members.

Correspondingly, Mochammad Subarkah as the Coordinator of Selection Guarding Coalition of Commissions of Information Public of Sulawesi Tengah also reckon that the conduct of selection had violated the provisions of Commissions of Information Public regulations and KI selection guidelines that guarantee the citizen rights to participate. The selection was in fact conducted in a closed, non-transparant, non-parsipatory way and could raise potential lawsuit in the future.

For instance, Supervisory Board of Organization AJI Palu, Iwan Laspasere revealed that the selection team members was determined suddenly without any public notice. In addition, selection timetable arranged by the selection team did not go through administration file selection process and jump directly to written selection process. So was the number of applicants which was only 17, instead of 25 as stated in the rules.

According to Iwan, nine months before his term of office ended, Commissions of Public Information members should report to the governor so that the government could evaluate the Commissions’ performance and acknowledge what needs to be done to support the Commissions’ work. For example, Iwan said, Commissions of Public Information of Sulawesi Tengah could only have a budget of 300 million rupiah a year, while Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of Central Sulawesi which was a lower body could actually have a budget of up to billions of rupiah.

In the other hand, Andy Syahrul Yotolembah as the Head of Communication and Information of Sulawesi Tengah responded such claims by saying that the conduct of Commisions of Public Information of Sulawesi Tengah member candidates were in accordance with the applicable law.

