The second semester of 2016 has been already rolling in and sadly, there are still some hotspots found in the several areas in Indonesia. Some of them are even on the alert status of emergency. Not only is it triggered by the hot weather there, but there are also some people who are responsible for that.


In Riau, people have been presuming that some parties intentionally set the lands and forests in a fire. “Karhutla in Riau happened because there are people who intentionally set the lands and forests on fire.” said Komanda Pangkalan Udara Lanud Roesmin Nurjadi Pekanbaru, Marsekal Pertama Henri Alfiandi, Saturday (16/7), as it was reported by

Besides Riau, Central Kalimantan is also going through Karhutla. There are still many hotspots that are visible through the air monitoring. According to the data from, the Satellite OAA-18 monitoring on July 15th, 2016, shows that there are 252 hotspots in Central Kalimantan, with the addition of 16 hotspots that were caught by NOAA-19. So now Indonesia has 3,538 hotspots based on NOAA-18 satellite monitoring and 1.088 hotspots based on NOAA-19 satellite monitoring. During last 2015, the total number of hotspots in Central Kalimantan has reached 4.292.

In Jambi, Zumi Zolas as the local governor said that he and his team will give an immediate action to punish whoever intentionally set the lands and forests on fire. “I’ve also cooperated with the minister, so if the corporations are really the suspects behind Karhutla and we have enough pieces of evidence to prove it, we will immediately revoke their licenses,” explained Zumi Zola, as it was reported via

The local authority in South Sumatera has also taken the similar move. TNI is planning to publish all the suspects’ identities of Karhutla on mass media and use it to educate local society about the importance of Karhutla prevention. According to in Palembang on July 15th, 2016, Kolonel Infantri Kunto Arief as Komandan Korem 044/Garuda Dempo said that such step is very important to resolve Karhutla issue. The Province Government of South Sumatera and the local authority are also agreed to support the effort.

Seeing there are still many Karhutla cases found in some areas in Indonesia, the government needs to be more active in preventing Karhutla and stopping the hotspots from spreading out. They also have to take immediate action and enforce the law to punish the Karhutla suspects. But in order to do that, the government needs you to support the effort and oversee what really happens in your surrounding lands and forests.
