22 secretariat staffs, including the Secretary of The Public Information Commission (KIP) Aceh, were suspected of being involved in corruption because of receiving double incentive from 2014 to 2016 and receiving bribery during the mutation process.
Those 22 civil cervants supporting Aceh KIP Secretariat were reported to Kejati Aceh by Aceh Transparency Community (MaTA) fot corruption allegation in the election institution.
Based on the information, from 22 reported staffs, Secretary of KIP Aceh and another staff that was suspected of bribery during mutation process from KIP Aceh Barat to KIP Kota Banda Aceh not long ago, were involved. The corruption allegation was reported by the coordinator of MaTA Justice Monitoring Section, Baihaki with the staff, Sari Yulis, who was welcomed by one of Kejati Aceh officer, Sa’diyah, Wednesday (9/11).
After reporting the corruption allegation to Kejati Aceh, MaTA held a press conference at their office, in the area of Ie Masen Kayee Adang, Sub District Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh.
In the press conference, the coordinator of MaTA Justice Monitoring Section, Baihaki stated that incentive distribution from KPU RI to all of the staffs is based on the presidential decree Number 189 Year 2014. “Incentive from KPU was given since July 2014 up until now, only the amount is different depend on the level of the staffs,” He mentioned.
According to the law, KPU RI prohibits all of its staffs to accept double performance incentive. This means if they had received incentive from KPU RI, they were not allowed to receive incentive from local government, even if theye were the staffs of local government.
That regulation, said Baihaki, was violated by 21 civil cervants that supported KIP Aceh Secretariat. According to MaTA’s investigation, those 21 people received both incentive from KPU RI and Aceh Government as well, since 2014 to2016.
“Those 21 people created and signed the statement that they had never received incentive from Aceh Government, in order to get the incentive from KPU RI. In fact, they also received incentive from Aceh Government,” Said Baihaki accompanied by MaTA coordinator, Alfian.
The country’s total loss from KPU RI, in that case, was IDR 1.595.022.000, with the details of IDR 368.082.000 for 21 persons incentive from July to December 2014, IDR 736.164.000 for 21 persons incentive from January to December 2015, and IDR 490.776.000 for 21 persons incentive from January to August 2016.
“The amount of incentive received by the staffs varied, depend on the level of the staffs. KIP Secretary received more than IDR 10 million, while the lowest level, level four, received around IDR 1 million,” explained Baihaki.
The law that has been violated, according to MaTA was Law Number 20 Year 2001 about Corruption Eradication, Law Number 28 Year 1999 about Country Management freed from Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism, and other.
MaTA also mentioned that the case had been quite strong to be stated as corruption and demanded the investigation team to quickly do the follow up on the case.
MaTA also hoped that by the report, at least that could be the gate for Kejati Aceh to reveal other cases happened in KIP Aceh. “It doesn’t close the possibility that other cases related to the finance management of KIP Aceh to appear. We hoped that this case does not affected Pilkada Aceh 2017,” he added.